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Lady Blossom KE - Frequently Asked Questions
What is the difference between the Blossom Vagicare Detox Pearls and the Blossom Steaming Herbs
The steaming herbs are used for gentle cleanses while the pearls are used for a more deeper cleanse thus can be used to treat vaginal infections which the steaming herbs are not able to achieve per se
I have a vaginal infection, which is the best product to use?
The Blossom Detox pearls is the best product to use in case of vaginal infections including Bacterial Vaginosis, Yeast infections, Urinary Tract Infections etc.
How many cleanses do I need?
Refer to Blossom Vagicare Detox Pearls
• I have fibroids/endometriosis/PID/PCOS/Ovarian cyst/Blocked tubes which product should I use?
The fibrease blend steaming herbs is the best product to use for these conditions. However, we highly advise to also incorporate the Bountiful Womb blend by alternating the two blends. This ensures you benefit from the herbs in both blends which are different
Can I use the Steaming herbs if I have a vaginal infection?
No, it’s not advisable to use the steaming herbs while you still have an active infection, use the pearls instead. The steaming herbs can only be used once the infection is healed to prevent future occurrence
I just had an abortion/miscarriage/gave birth, which product can I use to cleanse?
Use the steaming herbs after birth for postpartum care. After an abortion or miscarriage, use the steaming herbs to cleanse the womb. This should be done after two weeks of these occurrences and only if the existing wound have healed if there were any. Do not use the pearls in these three cases
I just had an abortion/miscarriage/gave birth, which product can I use to cleanse?
Use the steaming herbs after birth for postpartum care. After an abortion or miscarriage, use the steaming herbs to cleanse the womb. This should be done after two weeks of these occurrences and only if the existing wound have healed if there were any. Do not use the pearls in these three cases
I would like to do a normal cleanse which product should I use?
Use either the pearls or the steaming herbs. The pearls should be used at least once every three months for a normal detox while the steaming herbs can be used monthly. We highly recommend alternating the fibrease blend and the Bountiful Womb blend to get the maximum benefits from the herbs in both herb blends which are different
I am dealing with infertility, which product should I use?
We highly recommend using either the pearls or steaming herbs to cleanse the womb then use the womb tea to boost your fertility.
Which product can I use for hormonal imbalance/PCOS/Hemorrhoids/vaginal dryness/Low Libido/Menopausal symptoms/postpartum care?
We highly recommend the Bountiful Womb blend of the steaming herbs. You can also add the fibrease blend in one or two of your sessions to benefits from the herbs contained in it which are different from those contained in the fibreas111e lend
I have foul smell in my vagina, which product should I use?
We highly advise using the pearls to cleanse and the feminine wash to keep off the odour
I have some itching in my vaginal area, which product should I use?
We highly recommend using the Blossom Feminine Oil to reduce the itching, then cleanse with the Blossom Vagicare Detox Pearls
Which product can I use for tightening my vaginal muscles?
You can use the Blossom Madura Wand for instant, effortless and very effective results or you could use the yoni eggs for a more permanent but is very gradual and needs one to put effort in doing kegel exercises
I have emotional distress, suffering from trauma and insomnia, which product can I use?
You can use the Rose Quartz Crystals. You just place them anywhere on your body and meditate with them in a quite location, they help with this.
I am spotting due to hormonal imbalance caused by contraceptives or an abortion, what can I use?
Use the womb tea to regulate your hormones and stop the spotting, then use the steaming herbs to further regulate your hormones after the spotting stops completely
Can I use the Madura wand immediately after using the pearls or steaming herbs?
No, we advise taking a 7 days break after using the pearls/steaming herbs before using the Madura wand
I have a very bad vaginal smell that comes every time after my periods, what product should I use?
Use the wash daily and especially during and after your menstrual periods to avoid this
Can I use the womb tea to treat an infection?
No, the womb tea has no ability to cure vaginal infections, use the pearls instead
I have dark inner thighs, dark spots on my face and dark armpits, can any of the product help?
Yes, the Blossom vagicare soap helps brighten dark body parts
Can I use the soap on my face and whole body?
Yes you can. It helps brighten and smoothen the face as well
I have annoying razor bumps every time I shave/wax, which product can help with this?
The soap helps prevent razor bumps. Use it during shaving and even after shaving to avoid the razor bumps
Can I use the womb tea while am still taking other pharmaceutical fertility pills?
Yes you can, the womb tea does not react negatively to any of them
Can I use the Blossom Feminine Wash and Soap to wash inside the vagina?
NO, it is not healthy to use soap inside your vagina. These products are for using externally only. Around your vaginal area and not inside
Which products are safe to use when pregnant?
The only products safe to use when pregnant are the yoni eggs, wet wipes and probiotics
Can I use the probiotics if I have no vaginal infection?
It is not advisable. If you have no infection or history of recurrent infection, your vaginal flora is perfectly balanced and does not need the probiotics
Do I shower with the pearls still inside
Yes, take a shower as usual but do not douche
How do I pee with the pearl inside?
The pearl goes to your vaginal opening while you pee through your urethra opening, these two are not connected at all
Which products do you advise using for daily care?
Use the wash, oil, yoni eggs and the feminine wipes daily for maximum protection and comfort
Do the pearls treat STD’s and STI’s?
Unfortunately NO, none of our products do
Will I get pregnant if I use your products?
You will get pregnant if you engage in unprotected sexual intercourse during your ovulation period, which will occur even when you don’t use our products. We highly advise that you take it upon yourself to protect yourself accordingly to avoid unwanted pregnancies.
When I use your products, are the changes permanent?
There is nothing permanent in your body. Everyday there are changes occurring due to aging, environment, diet, hormones etc. Do not expect to stay the same forever.
Are you assuring me that your products will work 100%?
We are not giving a guarantee assurance, however you can have confidence in our products by the virtue that they have worked perfectly for 99% of our client
How many cleanses should I order?
Refer to Blossom Vagicare Detox Pearls
How do I know if my detox is finished?
You will be done detoxing once all the discharge has left your vaginal area. If you think it is over, wait an additional day or two because there may still be some on its way out.
Why can I not use them if I am breastfeeding, pregnant or have a hymen intact?
You cannot use them if breastfeeding because these pearls are inserted into your vagina, one of, if not the most absorbent place in your body. The herbs in these pearls may circulate throughout your body, including your breast milk. We do not want young babies ingesting the milk with herbs in them, although they are all natural, the developing organs may not be able to fully process them and we wouldn’t want anything happening to your little one.
If you have your hymen intact due to the strong nature of the herbs inside of our product, being that they can help with fibroids and cysts they have the ability to break the thin tissue that is your hymen. If this does not matter to you then proceed with using, but if it matters then don't use the product.
If you are pregnant you cannot use our product as we do not know how the herbs will affect your growing child and we would not want your baby harmed in any manner.
Can using this change my PH Balance?
Yes there is a possibility that using this product will change/upset your PH Balance while in the process of using them. This could result in a yeast infection for some women. We recommend the use of the Blossom Feminine Care Probiotics in case of such a scenario
I have an IUD can I use them?
If you have an IUD we give a warning with the product. Due to the strong nature of our product's herbs, there is a chance that your IUD could come out during the purging process. This very rare but we want to make sure you know before purchasing. Past customers have used with an IUD and have been fine.
I am experiencing cramping when using the pearls, is that normal?
Some women, specifically those with fibroids and cysts, feel mild cramping. This is occurring during the toxin extraction process. The cramping should be very mild and bearable and goes away after a few hours
Can I use this on my menstrual cycle?
No you cannot use this on your menstrual cycle. Use 2 days or more after your cycle has ended, or 5 days or more before cycle begins to avoid getting your menses while the pearls are still inside. Incase this happens, you need to take out the pearls and throw away.
When can I have sex again and or can I have sex while cleansing?
Do not have sexual intercourse during this process, you may resume intercourse 2 days after process is complete, this would be day 5 for most women. Please check your vagina with a mirror to be sure you are not purging anymore. In case you’re using more than one cleanse, yes you can engage in sexual intercourse in between the 7days break if you have no purging at all
Can I use more than 1 Detox Pearl at a time?
Yes, especially if you are using more than one cleanse. It shortens the detox period. Also, it prevents the peal from falling out which sometimes happens with women using one pearl at a time. This happens mostly when going for a long call. If it happens, don’t panic, purchase a single pearl to replace it. A cleanse has to have 3 pearls to be complete
I am spotting Can I use the pearls for hormonal balance?
No, you need to use the womb tea to stop the spotting. Once the spotting stops then you can proceed and use the pearls
If I am trying to conceive when should I use them?
If trying to conceive please use our product 3 days or more after your last menstrual cycle ends to ensure that you are not pregnant.
What is that white stuff I see?
Days 3-8, your purging process begins and white discharge may be noticeable, very normal. Do not pull this, it will come down & out on its own. Dryness may be noticeable as well, very normal. Drink plenty of water with sliced lemons or cucumbers during this time to promote detoxing.
I have yellow/green/brown/ dark brown blood purging instead of white is that normal?
This is very normal, the toxins in your vagina can be different colours not necessarily white. Do not be alarmed. Remember the pearls cleanse every toxin in the womb including old blood which is dark brown in colour
I am feeling itchy, what should I do?
Some women experience itchiness, most are mild. If you are frequent with BV or Yeast infections you may experience those symptoms during your process. This is due to all the toxins being drawn to the front of the vaginal opening which is a very sensitive area. In case of this, wash the vaginal area with some cold water and apply the Feminine oil or pure coconut oil on the vaginal opening to ease the itchiness
Other women may experience a foul odor coming from their vaginal areas they didn't have before but don’t worry, the smell leaves when the process is over.
How often can I do a normal cleanse?
If you do not have any symptoms of infections or conditions your treating we do not advise cleaning very often with the pearls. The pearls are used for a very deep cleanse and we recommend using once every 3 months. However, you can opt to use the steaming herbs which can be used once each month as they give a gentler cleanse for maintenance and are quick to use.
Can I masturbate with pearl in?
Yes as long as you are not inserting anything into your vagina.
My pearl still looks the same after removal is that normal?
Yes that is normal and in many cases, many woman's pearl upon removal will look the same as it did inserting it. We know you have seen pictures online of pearls coming out filled with lots of stuff, this doesn’t have to happen to everyone.
Can I use this if I have had a hysterectomy?
Yes you can.
Can I drink alcohol and use the pearls at the same time?
Yes you can.
My periods came early or late after using the pearls?
Some women do experience early or late periods after use of the pearls. This is especially for women who experience disruption of menses when they change diet, travel or change environment.
How can this detox your uterus/ womb when the cervix block this process?
The herbs in our product can soften the cervix allowing the uterus/womb to be detoxed.
Is the mesh on the pearl supposed to stay on?
Yes it is.
How soon after giving birth, miscarriage or abortion can I use this?
3 months after if not breastfeeding. We highly advise using the steaming herbs to cleanse after an abortion or miscarriage to cleanse the womb which is very necessary.
How soon after giving birth, miscarriage or abortion can I use this?
3 months after if not breastfeeding. We highly advise using the steaming herbs to cleanse after an abortion or miscarriage to cleanse the womb which is very necessary.
Is frequent urination normal?
Yes some women may experience this cleansing affect. We also advise taking lots of water to help with the cleanse which also might cause very frequent urination
I've noticed my skin clearing up after using this, why so?
When inserted into the vagina the herbs are absorbed into the WHOLE body, not just the vaginal/ womb area, allowing it to be beneficial to your whole body, such as seeing clearer skin. Also, the pearls do promote hormonal balance. If you were suffering from hormonal acne, it clear since your hormones become balanced.
Can I use the Steaming herbs and Blossom Vagicare Detox Pearls at the same time?
No you cannot use the Steaming herbs and the Vagicare Detox Pearls at the same time. You need a 7 days break after using one before using the other
Which one should I use first between the detox pearl and steaming herbs?
You choose to use whichever one calls to you the most. However, we recommend using the pearls first for a deep cleanse then finish with the steaming herbs which give a more gentle cleanse
Which is more effective between the steaming herbs and the detox pearls?
Both are effective in their own different way. However, when it comes to treating vaginal infections such as bacterial vaginosis, yeast infections and Urinary Tract Infections, you should use the pearls. We do not advise using the steaming herbs when you have an active infection.
How many times can I use the pack of herbs?
Both the Fibrease blend and the Bountiful Womb blend are 50g and can be used twice. Use 25 grams for the first session, then the other 25g for another session. We do not recommend using the same herbs twice. Once they have been soaked in water, they have a high possibility of growing moulds which could be health hazard
Why should this not be used on my menstrual cycle?
The herbs in our product promote blood flow in the uterus, using this on your cycle will cause even more blood to flow and that can be dangerous.
Why should this not be used while pregnant?
Steaming may harm your developing baby.
Will my doctor recommend doing a vaginal steam?
Probably not, as medically trained doctors most often are not trained in herbal holistic practices such as vaginal steaming, therefore since this is foreign to them it would not be something they can recommend.
I am spotting Can I use the herbs for hormonal balance?
No, you need to use the womb tea to stop the spotting. Once the spotting stops then you can proceed and use the pearls.
How often should I steam?
You can steam every 7 days if your treating a condition, refer to the recommended cleanses (insert link to herbs where we have recommended cleanses). If you’re steaming for a normal cleanse and regular care, we recommend cleansing once a month. Alternate the Fibrease Blend and the Bountiful Womb blend to get maximum benefits from the herbs in both blends which are different
I have had a full/ partial hysterectomy before, can I use this?
Yes you can use our Queen's steam even if you have had a full or partial hysterectomy the herbs can still benefit your vagina and facilitate in emotional healing and self-care.
How long should I wait to steam after giving birth, miscarriage or an abortion?
You can steam two week after birth, miscarriage or abortion as long as you have no internal wounds and cuts. Ensure they are healed before steaming. The Bountiful Womb Blend is the perfect blend for this. The herbs are the best for postpartum care.
I feel so relaxed after using the steaming herbs, is that normal?
Yes, the herbs do make you very relaxed by relaxing your nerves this is why we recommend using them at night before going to bed.
How many packs of the tea should I take?
There is no limitation to the number of packets you can take. There is no “overdose” for the tea. We however recommend one pack per month. That’s 20 days, take a 10day break then proceed with the next pack
Are the tea pack teabags?
No. They are real wild fruits sliced into small pieces. You pour the contents into cup and add hot water. The contents can also be snacked on and blended into smoothies
Can I use the womb tea and the pearls/steaming herbs at the same time?
Yes, you can use the tea concurrently with our other products. They have no negative reaction with each other
Can I use the tea while on my periods?
Yes, it’s actually advisable to use the tea during your menses to manage menstrual symptoms including cramping, heavy bleeding, PMS, fatigue, bloating , spotting, back pains, swollen legs etc.
Can I use the womb tea and other fertility drugs?
Yes you can. The tea does not react negatively to them.
I found my child snacking on the womb tea contents, what’s next?
Relax, the tea has no negative effects to kids and men. The tea is made of a mix of pure wild fruits which is also beneficial to their health
I feel so relaxed after using the tea, is that normal?
Yes, the tea do make you very relaxed by relaxing your nerves this is why we recommend taking it at night before going to bed.
When is the best time to take the tea?
At night before bed.
Can the womb tea help with infections?
No, the womb tea had no ability to treat vaginal infections. The tea mainly warms the womb, boosts fertility, and manages menstrual symptoms. For vaginal infections, we highly advise using pearls.